Sunday, March 13, 2011

Explanation of my theme

Friendship is really important for my life. It helps me every time I have any problems. They can help me every time I have a problem. If you're cornered and you're don't know what to do friend is only the solution. I have a lot of friend in my school, they are really important for me. They help me when I have problems and I help them when they have problems.


Indonesia, country that i've lived on
It's warm, big, crowded, beautiful and nice
Indonesia have reallt lot of rice
It's a really nice country to lived on
Jakarta is a city I lived on
Jakarta is not a city that's nice
There's a lot of bussines, gadgets, device
There's lot of high buildings, houses, salon
Indonesia have lot of natural
Resources that world really really need
I really love to lived in this country
Natural resources and cultural
These things are things that indonesia need
Indonesia is a really nice country


Love is something that's undefinable
It can't define by sentences or words
You're emotion will unpredictable
And you will transported to many worlds
When you love someone nothing can stop you
You'll forget everything and only think
About her, and what will happen to you
If you're in love you could do everything
I have loved someone, and it feels like this
I'm really confused, dont't know what to do
I really wonder how if I could kiss
Her in the lips, I will jump and flew
I will saw her face everyday I met
She is like an angel that i have met

Friday, March 11, 2011


Nature should be extremely beautiful
If we keep it perfectly as it is
You can help nature to be as it is
By keep it safe and not to be harmful
You can help it and make it beautiful
If you help it you have nothing to miss
You can watch nature to be as it is
But so many people being harmful
By cutting the tress or burn the forest
By killing any type of animals
Humans are really cruel to the nature
But some of them realise, that forest
Must be protected and the animals
Also really important for nature

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sonnet - Shakespearean - Friendship

I as a human really need friendship
It helps you in every situations
An equipment that you have to equip
Maybe when you're in hard situations
Maybe sometimes friends can't help you
Friendship provides everything you need
Happiness, solutions, money or crew
You can choose it disagree or agreed
Let us stop hate each other and make friends
Never bullies or being to choosy
To choose people that you want as a friends
But you cannot to be such a pussy
I really have lot of friends in my school
And because of them I am not a fool

Shape Poem-Moon

Shape Poem-Spade

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Explanation of my Theme

Cloud is something that can we find in the sky it's made of water that have been combined. When we look at it it's looks like a really soft and enormous cotton candy but it's just a lump of water. I like it because it's calm and always ease my stress if I saw it.


In the morning it's blue and white
It's black and grey at night
I look it every minute
It's arranged neat
It's always beautiful
And when I saw it, I feel cheerful
I can't say a phrase
Because it's looks like her face

Freestyle-Dream-Not Rhyming

Dream is something
It happen when you're sleeping
It's an imaginary world
That's never happen in reality
We can do wathever we like
Sometimes it's very nice
Sadly, it never comes true
But you can make it real

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Explanation of my Theme


It's an object in the shines every night, it's really really far far away, but you can still saw it because it's really bright if you see it from near. if you saw it here, it only looks like a really small flying light bulb in the dark night sky. Sometimes you can't see it because of too many lights, you can't see the stars if there are too much light. I really like to see it every night.

Acrostic Poem-Sky

Same all the time
Keep it blue
You'll love it

Acrostic Poem-Fire

Freaking hot
It's important
Red and sometimes blue
Element that's destructive

Acrostic Poem-Star

Shine every night
Try to grab it
And you'll found something
Rare that you will never think about

Acrostic Poem-Sun

Shine every time we wake up
Ultraviolet comes from this
No such power that greater than its power

Acrostic Poem-Tree

Trunk,branch,leaf,fruit and flowers
Reforestation is a way to save it
Every paper you use
Every tree you destroy

Acrostic Poem-Water

World's really need it
And it's very important
Try to save it
Everyone need this
Really, we need this

Explanation of my Theme

Music is combination of notes that have arranged and form a song.But for me music is not only that, I like it very much and it ease my streess if i'm feeling stress, dunno why it's really enjoyable for me.